A Call for Makers

We’re committed to our vision of generous imaginations at Gradient Goods, so much so that we built it into our structure as a company.

Our “Collective” approach to design and production favours uniqueness over uniformity, shared opportunity over solo profit, and the expansion of ideas rather than the protection of them.

This is why we’re launching our new website not just with a statement of who we are as a new business venture, but also with an invitation to designers, makers, and artists of all kinds to help shape our future.

When one’s imagination is awakened to generosity, it allows space for and feeds into the imagination of others. This Collective Imagination is both the means by which Gradient Goods wants to move toward our vision for our broader culture and the realization of our vision for our company.

Are you excited about our vision? Are you keen to explore how your creative ability and experience can contribute to a collective effort to awaken the imagination?

Get in touch!

(Also: share our website with your friends and have them get in touch!)

We’d love to start a conversation.

P.S. We’re keen to explore different editions of our launch project, Calendar Candles. We envision Calendar Candle kits of varying sizes, base materials, price points, and maker styles, all guided by the same underlying practices and intentions. We’re excited about designing new products, too, but coming aboard Calendar Candles could be a fun “testing ground” for our collaboration.